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Who we are Website is an online store and is the online extension of Clio Hadjiyianni Pharmacy Ltd in Nicosia.

The copyrights of the Content (e.g. images, information, data) and Services of our Good Vibes Pharmacy website that have been introduced in the Network are protected by Cyprus, EU and international copyright laws.

Any copying, distribution, transportation, processing, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the actual provider  of the Website Content is prohibited. Any reproduction, republication, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of Good Vibes Pharmacy or any other copyright holder.

The Good Vibes Pharmacy online store provides the Content (e.g. information, names, photos, illustrations), products and services available through the website "as is". Under no circumstances shall the online store Good Vibes Pharmacy be liable for any claims of a legal, civil and/or criminal nature, nor for any damage (positive, special or consequential, which indicatively and not restrictively, alternatively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by visitors of the website or third parties for a reason related to the operation or not and/or the use of the website and/or and inability to provide services and/or information made available by him and/or any unauthorized third party interventions in products and/or services and/or information made available through him.

The use of the website must be made exclusively for lawful purposes and in a way that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. The visitor is obliged to use the website in accordance with the law, morality and these terms, and not to proceed to acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it, affect or endanger the provision of Good Vibes Pharmacy services.

This website may contain references to third party websites. Good Vibes Pharmacy is not responsible for the content of these pages as well as for any damage resulting from their use, as the visitor has access to them at his own risk.

The online store Good Vibes Pharmacy makes every effort for the proper operation of its website, but does not guarantee that the functions of the website or servers will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error, free of viruses or other similar elements.

The online store Good Vibes Pharmacy reserves the right to modify, add, change the content or services of the website, as well as the terms of use, whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice, with only their announcement through its website.

The online store Good Vibes Pharmacy reserves the right to change the prices of products as they are formed daily based on the price lists of suppliers and currency exchange rates, whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice, with only their announcement through its website. The final price of a product is formed on the day of its pricing.

The names, images, logos and distinctive features representing Good Vibes Pharmacy or third parties and their products or services are proprietary marks of Good Vibes Pharmacy or third parties protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.

The visit and use of the services of the Good Vibes Pharmacy website requires the unconditional acceptance of the above general terms.


1.Introduction This policy applies to the company "Clio Hadjiyianni Pharmacy Ltd" and the distinctive title "Good Vibes Pharmacy", hereinafter referred to as Good Vibes Pharmacy, is the Data Controller of the personal data collected from its website. Good Vibes Pharmacy  is  committed to protecting the personal information collected when you use our website and other services. This Privacy Policy sets out Good Vibes Pharmacy's  commitment to protect personal data and how this commitment applies to its collection, use, transfer and retention. This policy applies when we determine the purposes and means of processing, thus acting as data controller.

2. Collection of Personal Data Good Vibes Pharmacy has designed a standard contact form on its website in order to facilitate communication with anyone interested. This form is used for any queries or requests and directs them to the appropriate department or staff member. In order to manage and respond to your queries and requests, we may collect and store your full name, email, address, contact details and any other information you may have made available to us. This information is strictly used to respond satisfactorily to your questions or requests and will not be disclosed to third parties other than those mentioned in this policy or where disclosure is required or permitted by law. Good Vibes Pharmacy provides the opportunity to register to the electronic services of its website, in order for the user to be able to make his purchases. In this case, Good Vibes Pharmacy may collect and store your full name, email, address, contact details and any other information you may have provided to us. This information is strictly used to respond to your order request and will not be disclosed to third parties other than those mentioned in this policy or where disclosure is required or permitted by law. Good Vibes Pharmacy has implemented an interconnection service with the bank, in order to serve the needs of users who wish to complete their purchases by credit card or through PayPal. In this case, we inform that Good Vibes Pharmacy does not keep any kind of information registered by the user after his redirection to the website of the service provider.Finally, it is possible to subscribe to the newsletter of Good Vibes Pharmacy, where Good Vibes Pharmacy  , asks only for the user's e-mail address and uses it solely for the promotion of commercial material. In any case, if the user wishes to withdraw his consent, it is possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter of Good Vibes Pharmacy through the body of the email received by the user. At the same time, the e-mail address is deleted from the systems of Good Vibes Pharmacy. For the lawful processing of your data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we identify a lawful basis before processing personal data. In the above cases, the legal basis for the processing of personal data by us is the granting of your explicit consent to the processing, by submitting the form only if you agree with this policy.

3. Use of Data Collected We will use the information we collect for the following purposes: – to register for a Service, – to provide a Service you have requested; – for advertising purposes, such as to provide tailored advertising, sponsored content, and to send you marketing communications, subject to your separate consent if required; – to evaluate and analyse our market, customers, products and services in order to help us better understand, through statistical processes where necessary, more information about our customers in order to offer you the most relevant communications, services and experiences. – to ask for your opinion about our products and services and to conduct customer surveys, with your separate consent if required; – to understand how consumers use our Services and products so that we can improve them and develop new products and services; – to conduct free prize draws, promotions or prize contests, as permitted by law, and – for other purposes, if we identify a lawful basis for processing your data. Good Vibes Pharmacy  processes personal data for the purposes described above. The legal framework for the processing of personal data by Good Vibes Pharmacy includes processing that is: necessary for the performance of the contract between you and Good Vibes Pharmacy  (e.g. to purchase products, to provide the Services to you, to identify and authenticate you so that you can use certain Services); necessary to comply with legal requirements (e.g. to comply with applicable accounting rules and make mandatory disclosures to law enforcement authorities), necessary for Good Vibes Pharmacy's legitimate interests (e.g. to manage our relationship with you and improve the relevance of our communications, experiences and customer service) and based on our customers' consent (e.g. to communicate with you about our products and services and the provision of marketing information to you), which may subsequently be withdrawn at any time by contacting us as provided in the "CONTACT" section of this Privacy Policy, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

4. Transfer of Personal Data Good Vibes Pharmacy may disclose collected personal data to suppliers, service providers or subcontractors to the extent reasonably necessary to manage your questions and requests. Such transfers will be protected by appropriate safeguards (e.g. intra-group disclosure clauses, clauses for disclosure of personal data to subcontractors, clauses for disclosure of personal data to third party suppliers, clauses for disclosure of personal data necessary for legal compliance, etc.). In addition, we may disclose personal data when such disclosures are necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject. Finally, in case we need to transfer personal data to third parties, Good Vibes Pharmacy undertakes to ask for your consent if no other legal basis has been identified.

5. Retention of Personal Data Good Vibes Pharmacy undertakes not to retain personal data for a period longer than necessary (maximum retention period 20 years) and we will ensure that we delete it securely and in a way that makes it impossible to retrieve it. For additional information on the punch period and deletion period, please refer to the Contact Us section .